艺苑采撷Picking in the literal fields of Western arts was an important part of my commitment to keep myself invoved with translation, not to say the visual fascination and impact of the art itself. 本栏目包括:
偶成文章So long as an opinion is strongly rooted in the feelings, it gains rather than loses in stability by having a preponderating weight of arguments against it. -- John Stuart Mill (1806-73) 本栏目包括:关乎人文
What you are reading is the print which has been and is still being communicated across time and space.
Ships go sailing far across the sea. Trusting the light, to get where they need to be. 本栏目包括:半日之闲
本栏目包括:故乡的韵Belive in what your heart is murmuring, hear the melody that is playing. 本栏目包括:About
This project will grow in the lingering addition until it becomes a full kaleidoscope of my pictorial and literal visions. I desire to do this for my own sake or satisfaction, to tell the truth, I have little hope, at least for the time being, that other people would be interested in this collection of glimpses, especially since it was primarily fun-making in inspiration. Yihanfengyihan is now issued when it is still an attempt rather than a finished personal website. A significant stride will be made, over the years to come, towards its perfection and desirable effect which eventually will make this ambition of self-satisfaction into a small gift for those who are curious about, if not interested in what I'm concerned about.
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